Plum Rum Balls
How to make date paste:
- Chop up 14 pitted dates into little pieces
- Place chopped up dates to blender
- Add 325mL warm water to blender
- Blend until a smooth consistency is reached
- This can be stored in a jar in the fridge as a healthy alternative to sugar in recipes!
How to make the rum balls:
Add the almond meal, chia seeds, and cacao powder to a mixing bowl and stir to distribute evenly
In a separate mixing bowl, add all of the other ingredients (except for the desiccated coconut) and mix together
Gradually stir the ingredients from both bowls together
Roll the balls in the desiccated coconut
Stack balls on a plate and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds for a pop of colour
By Queen Garnet
Dec 10, 2017