20 Ways To Add Queen Garnet Into Your Day
NOTES FROM OUR NUTRITIONISTQueen Garnet is a Queensland-owned variety of Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) that has a unique antioxidant composition of quercetin and cyanidin. This has led to top universities and scientific institutes around Australia studying this fruit. So, not only do Queen Garnet plums look great (and taste great!), they have exciting health benefits to back them too!
New research shows consumption of the Queen Garnet Plum:
- May reduce/decrease free radical damage to body cells;
- May help to stimulate a healthy immune system response;
- May reduce/help to reduce systematic inflammation;
- May be good for your heart health.
With all these benefits in mind, below are 20 creative ways to add Queen Garnet’s into your day using the fresh fruit, the plum nectar and the freeze-dried powder.
1: Add the QG powder into your breakfast smoothie
2: Add the fresh QG plums into a salad with lentils, beetroot and feta
3: Use the QG plum nectar in a chia pudding for breakfast
4: Use the QG powder when you bake muffins
5: Make a yummy plum crumble for dessert using fresh QG
6: Add the QG powder to your acai bowl
7: Use the QG plum nectar and yoghurt to make frozen ice-blocks
8: Make bliss balls using oats, dates, nut butter, QG powder and honey
9: Add fresh QG into a pork and plum stir-fry for dinner
10: Add fresh QG and ricotta to sourdough as a snack or meal
11: Add the plum nectar into a Bircher muesli
12: Make a plum chutney from fresh QG
13: Substitute sugar in a recipe for QG freeze dried powder
14: Eat fresh QG plums for a snack topped with yoghurt and nuts
15: Make a mocktail using tonic water, QG plum nectar, lime and ginger
16: Grill fresh QG on the BBQ and serve them with protein and salad
17: Use the QG nectar to make a chilli plum marinade for chicken
18: Add the freeze-dried QG powder into brownies
19: Use ripe QG’s to make some plum jam
20: Use the QG nectar to make buttermilk plum scones
By Leanne Ward
Feb 15, 2022